Health CareeRx Academy Table @ Alliance Farmers Market
1151 Park Ave 1151 Park Ave, Bridgeport, CT, United StatesMeet The Health CareeRx Academy team every Friday through October 25th at the Alliance Famer Marketing in Bridgeport.
Meet The Health CareeRx Academy team every Friday through October 25th at the Alliance Famer Marketing in Bridgeport.
Join us on Monday September 23, 2024, at 3 pm for our info session to learn about our upcoming training program, Introduction to Overhead Line Work. This info session will be held at in person at Housatonic Campus, Bridgeport, CT This training is partnered with the United Illuminating (UI), the Utility Workers Union of America […]
Take advantage of training at no cost to you! The WorkPlace's Health Career Academy will host weekly virtual orientations providing information about the different training opportunities available. Specialists will be there to answer your questions. You are invited to attend one of our upcoming online orientations to learn more about the programs and eligibility. Sessions will […]
Take advantage of training at no cost to you! The WorkPlace's Health Career Academy will host weekly virtual orientations providing information about the different training opportunities available. Specialists will be there to answer your questions. You are invited to attend one of our upcoming online orientations to learn more about the programs and eligibility. Sessions will be […]
Take advantage of training at no cost to you! The Health CareeRx Academy is conducting information sessions about the Nursing Careers Pathway Program. Join the Heath CareeRx Academy staff to learn more about the grant program, ask questions, and discuss next steps. Questions about the information sessions or the program in general can be directed […]
Take advantage of training at no cost to you! The WorkPlace’s Health Career Academy will host weekly virtual orientations providing information about the different training opportunities available. Specialists will be there to answer your questions. You are invited to attend one of our upcoming online orientations to learn more about the programs and eligibility. Sessions will […]
Come meet The Platform to Employment Re-Entry team at the highly anticipated 2nd Annual Blossoming Beyond Bars: Women's Transformative Cultural and Wellness conference, dedicated to empowering women in reentry, will take place on September 27, 2024.
Looking to explore new career options? Join us at the American Job Center for our virtual reality (VR) career exploration event. Dates: Sept. 27, Sept 30, Oct 1, Oct 3, Oct 4 and Oct 7. Time: 10am-2pm (all dates) Location American Job Center Bridgeport 2 Lafayette Square Bridgeport, CT This innovative experience allows you to […]
Meet The Health CareeRx Academy team every Friday through October 25th at the Alliance Famer Marketing in Bridgeport.
Looking to explore new career options? Join us at the American Job Center for our virtual reality (VR) career exploration event. Dates: Sept. 27, Sept 30, Oct 1, Oct 3, Oct 4 and Oct 7. Time: 10am-2pm (all dates) Location American Job Center Bridgeport 2 Lafayette Square Bridgeport, CT This innovative experience allows you to […]