If you need help finding a job, look no further. The Franklin Street Community Center in Stamford will now house a new American Job Center, which held its grand opening Wednesday.
Facilitated by a Southwestern Connecticut Workforce Development Board know as The Workplace, the Center will provide services to unemployed and underemployed people looking for jobs at no cost. People will have access to computer technology, job training, workshops, seminars, and many more resources.
The new center is one of four American Job Centers in Southwestern Connecticut. Originally located on Bedford Street, the larger, more modern facility on Franklin Street is expected to help even more people than before, such as the clients of Inspirica, a non-profit serving the homeless.
For more information about American Job Centers, visit ajcswct.com
Article source: http://stamford.itsrelevant.com/content/19448/New-American-Job-Center-Opens-in-Stamford